‘Senseless’ Campaign by Fire & Emergency NZ

Fire safetyFire & Emergency NZ released their latest campaign this month called ‘Senseless’. A series of pictures depict people asleep with their nose’s removed. Although slightly disturbing, the reason for these images is to remind us that most people do not have a sense of smell when they’re asleep.

Fire safetyFire & Emergency NZ released their latest campaign this month called ‘Senseless’. A series of pictures depict people asleep with their nose’s removed. Although slightly disturbing, the reason for these images is to remind us that most people do not have a sense of smell when they’re asleep.


no sense of smell when sleeping

Furthermore, the campaign reinforces the need for added protection at night when you are at your most vulnerable. Enter the smoke alarm. Having a smoke alarm in all the key areas of your home such as bedrooms, lounges, and hallways means that a household is set up to respond better to a fire if it were to occur at night.


CAVIUS Wireless smoke alarms

Children are at the most risk as some research shows that they will not wake to the sound of a smoke alarm. This means it is vital that other adults in the home are in a position where they can hear smoke alarms and heat alarms throughout the house and be able to alert anyone that continues sleeping.


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Roughly 10% off all fires in the home start in the bedroom and that risk goes up depending on the number of overall bedrooms a home has. The rapid increase of electronic devices in bedrooms also continues to add further risk. Where possible, aim to turn as many electronics off at night and always ensure power points or multi-boards aren’t overloaded with appliances.

The CAVIUS Wireless Family range is designed to provide an added level of protection. Wireless alarms are interconnected so if one alarm is triggered, they will all sound. Everyone in your home, whether upstairs, downstairs, or even in a sleep out, will know straight away if there is a potential fire developing somewhere in the home.

Learn about the Wireless Family range here.


Wireless Family Thermal Heat Alarm
Wireless Family Smoke Alarm

Fire safetyheat alarmsloss of smell when sleepingsmoke alarmssmoke alarms in bedrooms